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Bright White 6-3/4 Remittance Envelopes (3 5/8 x 6 1/2 Closed) 24#

Bright White 6-3/4 Remittance Envelopes (3 5/8 x 6 1/2 Closed) 24#
Manufacturer: ACT

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Remittance Envelopes

Color: White

Flap: Remittance Flap

Size: #6-3/4 (3-5/8 x 6-1/2 Remittance) 

Opening: Booklet

Closure: Gummed

Weight: 24#

#6 3/4 Remittance Envelopes are donation envelopes used for fundraising, money collection, charity donations. These fundraising envelopes are made from 24lb. Bright White paper stock and contain an inner pocket to hold cash or a check. Printing is a popular option for remittance envelopes as the envelope itself it can double as an order form, credit card donation form and information collection form. 6 3/4 Remittance Envelopes are sealed by moistenable glue on the flap and measure 3 5/8" x 6 1/2" when closed. Custom printing options also include organization logos and text or recipient addressing, which enables your envelopes to arrive pre-addressed to potential donors.

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