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White #10 (4 1/8 x 9 1/2) Window with Simple Seal, Security Tint-24#

Manufacturer: ACT
#10 Commercial Window Envelope

Color Family: White

Flap: Straight

Size: #10 (4-1/8 x 9-1/2)

Closure: Simple Seal

Weight: 24#

Window Position: Left Window

When sending letters, invoices or statements, save the time and expense of separately addressing envelopes. Simply position the address to show through the window, or choose our full-face windows, which are large enough to show off the entire contents. To seal this envelope - flip up the second flap (exposing the adhesive), hold the main flap down over the exposed adhesive, and the envelope will be sealed.

Protect your privacy when sending checks, forms or other sensitive information. The tinted pattern inside discourages reading sensitive information through the envelope.

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